About me

A self-described science and finance nerd, I love researching and creating content that helps people live healthier and happier lives. I have many years of experience working in the financial sector as well as healthcare marketing.

My parents always knew I’d be some sort of “editorial whiz” (quote from my dad when I was 7). I have an eagle eye, a passion for clear communication and a strong work ethic.

I have written, proofread, edited, and fact-checked anything and everything, including fiction and nonfiction books, white papers and research papers, all kinds of marketing materials, music and restaurant reviews, general health and wellness and medical articles. I am fluent in AP and Chicago Manual of Style, and I have created numerous style guides for clients. I am experienced in editorial SEO and creating effective content. If you want to work with an experienced editorial professional, let’s chat about your goals.




I have a degree in English Literature with a minor in Creative Writing from The University of Alabama.

I studied poetry and Shakespeare during a student exchange at Southern Oregon State, and I completed the Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing in 2015. 

Let’s connect.